Friday, October 16, 2009


The "CODEC" block basically decodes or encodes the flexray frames. The encoder basically gets the raw frames from a user RAM or from a controller and then encodes the frame according to the flexray protocol.

So to begin with i will first build a flexray transmitter . This module is basically an encoder .The Flexray frame resides in a RAM. This unit copies the RAM content one by one and then simulatniously transmits each bit of the frame serially.It also appends 3 bits

1)TSS(Transmit Start Sequence)
2)FSS(Frame Start Sequence)
3)BSS-starting of every byte of frame(Byte Start Sequence)

The basic block diagram is shown below:-

The above block is realized in VHDL and its RTL synthesis is done in XILINX 8.1. The synthesis thus produced is verified by comparing the simulation result to an example flexray waveform.

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